Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sonnet 116, a 'new' look on true love

The poem that I chose to write about was "Let me not to the marriage of true minds" by Shakespeare.  This poem well describes what love really means and what to expect when you experience it.  I think that most people, including myself, get the wrong idea about love.  Love to most is simply really caring about someone.  Add lust to that formula and you have a very powerful dynamic between two people that can last for years sometimes.  Yet at some point, that may end, and two people are left without love for each other in time. 

What Shakespeare asked us to do in this poem, before really getting into what love means, was to 'admit impediments'.  I believe this was him asking us to set aside prior convictions about love, to come to a higher understanding that he then continues on to explain.  "love is not love Which alters when it alternation finds" is the next line, which I think addresses a great deal of opinion about love.  When two people 'love' each other and are then faced with something like a long series of fights, or a hurtful act like cheating, they often find themselves no longer loving each other.  When true love finds such alternations, it alters not, according to Shakespeare.  This is key, because it cuts out most of the 'non' true lovers out there.

In the rest of the poem, love is described as being the "star to every wandering bark" which is a great way of saying, love can take you from feeling lost  to feeling that you are always where you need to be.  Love is also described as transcending time, and even escaping death in the line, "within his bending sickle's compass come; love alters not with his brief hours and weeks..."

Something as incredible and confusing as love is difficult to capture in a poem, let alone a sonnet.  Many poets have tried to do so in many different forms, yet not many come close to how love is described in sonnet 116.  I really enjoy this sonnet, and couldn't wish for a better way to describe the complex nature of true love. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And now we welcome, David Teague Jr

My name is David Teague Jr.  I am 20 years old while writing this but by the time anyone reads it, I will have turned 21.  It is hard to introduce one's self because of the many thousands of things about a person, we have to question why they chose the things to share that they did.  It says a great deal about a person what they choose to share with you, or not share.  Despite the inclination to withhold my inner self from this blog and ultimately about twenty people I do not know as of yet, I will continue without censoring my words. 

I am majoring in accounting and plan to minor in communication.  I am aware that accounting has a unique connotation to those who don't know much about it, and that bothers me sometimes.  Mostly, I am pretty proud to be majoring in accounting.  However, I am not an accounting major, I am me.  As me, I have chosen to major in accounting and to do well in that field. 

I almost majored in music composition, which many comment is a polar opposite of accounting.  I used to agree, but realize now that composing music and accounting are done from the same side of the brain.  So, not as opposite as first perceived.  Instead of majoring in composition, i choose to write music as a hobby.  I love piano and could play it all day long. Sometimes i nearly do. 

I like to surprise people by not fitting into their mental boxes, if you will. What I mean is that I challenge notion that after meeting me, I can be predicted and understood.  An example would be music that I listen to.  I love classical music, it is my favorite.  I also like rap, the very opposite of classical music.  People seem to struggle with the fact that I love classical music.  That entertains me.

I think that I have sufficiently introduced myself for this week, I am sure that more about me will come out in my blogs to come.